On-Chain Monsters. Free To Mint, 100% On-Chain NFT.

Unique NFT-Creatures On The Ethereum Blockchain With Zero External Dependencies.

On-Chain Monsters NFT
3 min readDec 14, 2021

Here they are, the On-Chain Monsters! They will be here when everything else (but the blockchain ;)) is long gone.

What makes this project original: All monsters are generated randomly out of “geometry chunks” stored on the blockchain.


On-Chain Monsters Smart Contract (verified): https://etherscan.io/address/0xaa5d0f2e6d008117b16674b0f00b6fca46e3efc4

MonsterDough Smart Contract (verified): https://etherscan.io/address/0x10971797fcb9925d01ba067e51a6f8333ca000b1

OpenSea Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/on-chain-monsters

Community owned resources:
Front-end by Kiba Labs: https://onchain-monsters.kibalabs.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnChainMonsters
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MDGvartz

Key points:

  • 100% on-chain
  • 10,000 unique monsters
  • Free to mint, zero royalties
  • DeFi mechanics

100% On-Chain

Typical NFTs use external hosts like IPFS or even centralized servers for their artwork since Blockchain storage capabilities are pretty limited. That means if the server is gone one day, you will only be left with the pure receipt of your purchased art.

On-Chain Monster’s artwork however is stored by the Smart Contract itself and generated on the fly when querying it. As long as the Ethereum blockchain exists, your monsters will be around.

We don’t provide a central website or frontend. We own the project just like you and everybody else and don’t have any more control over it than anybody else. To prove this, the ownership of the Smart Contracts got burned. We encourage everybody to extend the On-Chain Monsters ecosystem to their liking. Feel free to create communication channels, frontends and DApps.

The success of this project depends solely on its popularity. We do not pay for advertising on the major NFT shilling channels like all the commercial projects do. So make known! :)

What makes this project unique

Other on-chain projects use pixel data to compose their art, whereas On-Chain Monsters are generated out of geometry chunks defined by quad curves and lines.

Also, we tweaked the amount of work the Smart Contract has to do to create a monster. This means fewer gas fees and thus cheaper minting for everybody.

10,000 Unique Monsters

Each monster will be randomly generated by the Smart Contract. Some traits are rarer than others. No two monsters are alike.

A total maximum of 10,000 monsters can be minted.

There will be five golden monsters: #0, #2000, #4000, #6000, #8000. Also, there is a 0.01% chance of minting a golden monster with any other number.

In addition, there are some other super-rare traits.

Free to Mint

Everything with this project is 100% free and decentralized. We do not get any money out of this.

Monsters #0-#1999: Just pay the gas to the blockchain.

Monsters #2000-#9999: Trade your MonsterDough in to mint more monsters. MonsterDough is generated by staking your existing monsters. More on that below.

There are 0% royalties on secondary sales.

How do the developers make money then?

We aim to break even by minting our own monsters along with everybody else and then selling some. The project was created out of fascination for the technology. We are nerds. :D

DeFi Mechanics

The DeFi mechanics are pretty much the same as introduced by Anonymice in 2021.


By staking your monsters you generate MonsterDough ($OCMD). MonsterDough is needed to mint monsters #2000-#9999.

By staking 1 monster, you will get 1 $OCMD per day.

2 monsters for 1 day: 2 $OCMD
1 monster for 2 days: 2 $OCMD
3 monsters for 5 days: 15 $OCMD
10 monsters for 10 days: 100 $OCMD

You stake by locking your monsters into the Staking Contract. For the time locked, you will not have these monsters in your wallet anymore.

You can unstake your monsters at any time you want. You will automatically get rewarded the generated $OCMD.

You can stake up to 10 monsters at a time.

MonsterDough cost overview per mint:
Monsters #0–#1999: free
Monsters #2000-#3999: 1 MonsterDough
Monsters #4000-#5999: 2 MonsterDough
Monsters #6000-#7999: 3 MonsterDough
Monsters #8000-#9999: 4 MonsterDough

Tutorial: Learn how to stake your monsters.

Sacrificing / Burning

Don’t like your minted monster? As long as there are less than 10,000 monsters minted you can sacrifice your monster to instantly mint a new one. This does not cost any $OCMD. Your burned monster will be gone forever.

How to Get Your On-Chain Monster

We created a tutorial on how to mint your On-Chain Monster. It’s easy!



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