How to mint On-Chain Monsters #2000-#9999
… with your gathered MonsterDough.
Awesome, the first 2000 monsters have been minted! From now on you will need some MonsterDough for each new monster.
This article assumes that you have gathered some MonsterDough. If not, read how to stake your monsters to earn MonsterDough.
New! To make life easier, Kiba Labs created an awesome front-end to mint and manage all of your monsters (tested March 14, 2022):
Alternatively, you can always use the method described below.
Mint with MonsterDough
- Go to the MonsterDough Smart Contract on Etherscan:
- Click “Connect to Web3”. Once you are connected, the little dot on the button will become green.
- Find and expand the “approve” function. Two input fields and a “Write” button will appear.
- Enter 0xaa5d0f2e6d008117b16674b0f00b6fca46e3efc4 into the spender field.
- Enter 999999999999999999999999 into the amount field. (The huge number will make sure that you don’t have to approve more than once.)
- Click the blue “Write” button.
- Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
- Done! You can now mint monsters as before!
Note: Always make sure you have enough MonsterDough, or the transaction will fail. See FAQ below how to find out.
How do I know how much MonsterDough I have?
This doesn’t cost any gas.
- Go to the MonsterDough Smart Contract on Etherscan:
- Find and expand the “balanceOf” function. An input field and a “Query” button will appear.
- Enter your ETH address into the account field.
- Click the “Query” button.
- You will see a huge number. Think away the last 18 zeros and that’s the amount of MonsterDough you have. (1000000000000000000 = 1 MonsterDough)
How do I know how much MonsterDough I need for a mint?
This does not cost gas.
- To find out, go to the On-Chain Monsters Smart Contract on Etherscan:
- Find and expand “totalSupply”.
- You will see a number. This is the amount of monsters that already have been minted.
The prices for each new monster are as follows:
Monsters #2000-#3999: 1 MonsterDough
Monsters #4000-#5999: 2 MonsterDough
Monsters #6000-#7999: 3 MonsterDough
Monsters #8000-#9999: 4 MonsterDough
Metamask shows a ridiculous minting fee and a warning. What to do?
Metamask sometimes suggests a ridiculous high minting fee and shows an error message like this:
This transaction is expected to fail. Trying to execute it is expected to be expensive but fail, and is not recommended.
This is the result of people trying to mint without having MonsterDough.
Resolution: Click “I will try anywhere” and set the gas fee manually to a reasonable amount.
Have fun and spread the word!