How To Mint A Free On-Chain Monster NFT

… through Etherscan.

To get your own free (gas fees apply ofc) monster, you have to communicate directly with the heart of the project, the Smart Contract. There is no front-end yet, until somebody decides to create one… :)

But don’t worry, it’s super easy!

We assume that you have MetaMask or a similar browser extension installed. If not, install it first.

Go to the Smart Contract on Etherscan:

  1. Click “Connect to Web3”. Once you are connected, the little dot on the button will become green.
  2. Expand the “mintMonster” function. A “Write” button will appear.
  3. Click the blue “Write” button.
  4. Confirm the transaction and pay the gas fees in your wallet.

That’s it! Enjoy your freshly minted monster!

Don’t forget to spread the word, as the success of this project and every holder solely relies on publicity! :)



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